
Carbon Pirates is on a mission to empower
the people to be part of the climate change solution

We, the people, have so much power! If we come together in numbers then governments and corporations have no choice but to stop and listen. Our aim is to empower you with the correct tools and provide you with a platform for change. We have decided to achieve this through:

Climate Change can be an overwhelming topic – full of scientific facts and abstract concepts. It’s sometimes hard to digest. Our mission is to raise awareness about Climate Change in a language that people without a background in science can easily understand, and more importantly: act on. We want to be the ‘bridge’ between science and the people. The Scientists have done their job – they have gathered the facts. Now we feel it’s our job to help present their work in a way that the public can easily engage with.

Ok, so you believe in Climate Change and know that changes have to be made. But what changes are those? And what can I, as an individual do? These are questions we have asked ourselves and struggled to find clear answers to. We’re dedicated to researching what realistic steps we as individuals can take and we want to be a clear reference point in informing and inspiring the people to make changes that will help be part of the Climate Change solution. Take action

Change can be hard. We acknowledge that but we also believe in the power of community and that change is easier when we work together and support each other through the process. Carbon Pirates aims to be a space for that community to come together. Together we are stronger and can make an impact. Join our Facebook community

Frequently asked questions

What is a Carbon Pirate?

A Carbon Pirate believes in Climate Change and agrees with The Carbon Pirate Manifesto.

How do i become a Carbon Pirate?

Easy! If you agree with The Carbon Pirate Manifesto then you are already a Carbon Pirate! You can now acknowledge yourself as Carbon Pirate by taking the following steps:

Join our Facebook Community
Here you’ll find fellow Carbon Pirates, discover top tips on living more sustainably, explore digestible climate change resources and more you can ask any questions or post any tips of your own.


Take your #ImACarbonPirate selfie
Show your support by taking a #ImACarbonPirate selfie and sharing it with your friends on social media. PS: Don’t forget to use the hashtag and make sure to write on a reusable item (like a white board) or an item that will be discarded anyway (like an old piece of paper)

As an individual how can I have an impact?

It’s easy to feel that the actions of one person our of seven billion won’t make a difference, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Small actions from a mass group of people can cause revolutions, and that’s we need to do. We need to create a climate revolution. Here are three actions you can start taking TODAY to kickstart you your climate impact…

Become informed

Knowledge is the basis of change and to help you us understand what Climate Change is, it’s effects and the seriousness of the matter we highly recommend watching Leonardo Dicaprio’s excellent documentary with National Geographic ‘Before the Flood.’ Leo meets scientists, activists, innovators like Elon Musk and world leaders including Obama and the Pope to discuss the dangers of climate change and possible solutions. It’s a very engaging and digestible documentary and a great start point in helping you understand Climate Change.

Vote with your purchases
Every time we buy something we are casting a vote. A ‘vote’ that will incentive a company to keep selling a product. If we want companies to change by providing us with products that do not harm the environment and add to Climate Change then we can make them by voting with our purchases and buying alternative products, that don’t harm the planet.

Carbon Offset
Have you travelled by car, motorbike, train, subway, bus or boat today? If yes, they why not start carbon offsetting? It’s not expensive and is a quick and easy way to balance your existing carbon footprint. Use this carbon calculator to find out how much you need to offset.

Tell your friends about Carbon Pirates
Individual actions turn into social change when enough of them occur. By share Carbon Pirates with your friends they too can become more aware of the seriousness of Climate Change and also start acting.

The Pirates behind Carbon Pirates

Carbon Piates was born out of post documentary discussion between two friends – Sander (a scientist and internet entrepreneur from The Netherlands) and Alisa (A UX/UI designer from London)

We had just watched ‘Before the Flood,’ a Climate Change documentary by Leonardo DiCaprio and National Geographic. We were left horrified by the facts, but were unsure of what realistic and actionable steps to take next. Our further reading often led us to long science papers or uninspiring websites which simply did not keep us engaged in the issue or tell us what to change in a way that seemed manageable.

We decided then and there to combine our skills in science, design and technology in order to help make it as easy as possible for people to understand the seriousness of Climate Change and to help each other in taking action…NOW!

Want to find out more? Contact us on:
[email protected] | My LinkedIn Profile
[email protected]My Linkedin Profile

Ready to become a Carbon Pirate?

Join our Facebook Community